The CWCT program is open for new applicants for the 2023 and 2024 training opportunities.

Step One

Submit a completed Application with your documentation. Commonly submitted documents to prove:


US Citizenship or US Permanent Resident

  • US Birth Certificate
  • US Passport/Passport Card
  • Certificate of Naturalization
  • Permanent Resident Card/Green Card
  • ** Driver’s License is not accepted **

Military, Law Enforcement, and/or First Responder Service (if applicable)

  • DD214
  • Military Orders
  • LES or JTS
  • Police ID/Corrections ID
  • EMT License or ID
  • Diploma/Certificate from Police Academy

Step Two

Create your MyIvy account (will be contacted by grant team).

Step Three

Complete Assessments (will be contacted by grant team)

  • English Assessment
  • STEM Math Assessment
  • IT Assessment

Academic Policies for CWCT Training Program

  • Course Passing Grade Policy: 60% or higher, D or higher
  • Course Enrollment Policy: must pass pre-requisite course with a passing grade
  • Course Incomplete Policy: This will be granted by instructor upon request right after the course is ended. Participants will have 14 days to finish upon granted and it is the responsibility of the participants to notify the instructor
  • Course Grade Appealing Process: Participant needs to contact instructors for appealing within 14 days once the grade is posted or notified. If the participant disagrees with the appealing result, this process will be elevated to the instructor’s supervisor (one of the PIs), which could further be elevated to the CWCT consortium level (PIs+ CWCT Consortium Directors)
  • Certification Request Protocols and Polices:
    1. A Google form collecting certification interest will be sent to training participants who received a passing grade for the corresponding CWCT course.
    2. Ucertify will add verified participants to to access certification preparation material for 8 weeks (details will be in the email sent to participants from Ucertify)
    3. A voucher will be purchased for those who receive 90% or higher on post assessment (learners can take multiple attempts)
    4. This voucher will be valid for 8 weeks or until August 31 2024, whichever comes the first.